Album Review: Non Serviam – “Le Cœur Bat” 8.2/10 (RABM)

How should we start the album? Let’s play for 25 minutes. What do we call it? Le Coeur Bat (Roughly “The Heart Beats” in english), hell yeah. They can suitably do most lengths and change the base of the album at will due to the fluid nature of the compositions, resembling the construction of electronic music while utilizing black metal and punk styles to drive it. Non Serviam are a RABM (Red & Anarchist Black Metal) band so it’s good to be able to listen to black metal without wondering if they’re nazis, Non Serviam are anti-fascist as far as I can tell without understanding a whole lot of french. […]


Album Review: Tommy Concrete – “Hexenzirkel” 8.5/10 (Prog Metal)

Tommy is the kind of musician who keeps pushing themselves to create music that should be considered “interesting” and based on this new album, and his previous effort Unrelaxed 2 (which I reviewed), he absolutely achieves this with an extensive blending of genres and a unique personal outlook on music. Buckle in, this is a big album with big sounds, and can only be met with a big review where I no doubt relate to lyrics in ways they perhaps were not intended. […]

2020 Albums

Album Review: Tommy Concrete – Unrelaxed 2 7.5 (Prog Metal)

Bizarre. Really. Also interesting and competent music. Tommy Concrete is familiar yet alienating, like an estranged family member or lover returning after many years. It combines a lot of old school heavy metal and power riffs with elements of sludge and death, funneled through a progressive metal kind of song writing structure. The themes are deeply personal and, much more self aware of behaviour than typical of these genres which are often laden with bravado and self assurance. Musically the comparison to Devin Townsend is most apt, both in relation to the sound and the unique edge that comes with the lone creator. If you support underground music then check this out. […]