2019 Albums

Tape Review: Maggot Cave – Pub Full Of Maggots 9.69 (Grindcore)

I knew I was in for some grindcore but I wasn’t expecting it to be this good. The deal with this project is that if I can, I will listen to an album for the very first time on tape. It’s a great approach that leads to a lot of surprises and discovery. There’s things you just don’t notice or care about digitally because our attentions spans are just fucked when we’re given a screen. There’s quite a few vocal techniques used throughout the tape – even at one point offering a howling heavy metal scream which completely caught me off guard. Combined with the great use of comedic samples there’s a lot of appreciate here, most of which seem to be taken from films, sitcoms and Australian radio shows. They all sounded super familiar to me but I can’t quite place them, I suspect the opening one is from Reno 911.  […]

2019 Albums

Album Review: Abu Ghraib – Enhanced Torture Techniques 8.7 (Grindcore)

It’s stupid how fast this grindcore is, its speedgrind. Overall I’m super impressed with Abu Ghraib as an Australian band, I originally found out about them by scouring the Metal Archives for hours searching by Australia for the Heavypedia project. I encountered Abu Ghraib and their band photo was so funny and endearing I ended up saving it “for later” which I guess is now because they’ve released a massive grind album that surpasses even their sublime memery in ability and entertainment. There was no sign of this beast earlier in the year with just a demo to their name, don’t be sleeping on this one. […]

Aussie Metal Top 25 of 2019

This list isn’t pride in Australia as much as it is a list celebrating musicians who despite being Australians, managed to successfully create and distribute their music. There’s a lot of barriers to musicians here due to a fucked economy, poor employment availability and terrible telecommunications infrastructure. So these bands deserve praise and attention for having the ability to create potent art in this modern western culture, even at the risk of crippling debt, or even worse, no one hearing it. […]